When specialist know-how, state-of-the-art equipment technology and passion come together, nothing less than perfection can be the result. In our new competence center, we develop - together with you - the perfect coating solution for your requirement. From the selection of the suitable coating process and the appropriate coating material as well as the development of the optimum application parameters to the subsequent analysis and evaluation - we are your competent partner!
Our research and development building, completed in 2020, now accommodates all of this under one roof.
Robot and laser welding bench with rotation unit designed as a turn-tilt-table
GTV Laser powder nozzles of all types (for internal and external coating)
Laser cladding system with maximum beam powers of 22 kW for tests on new and repair coating of various components; software for automatic track planning for coating complex component surfaces
Robot and laser welding bench with rotation unit designed as a turn-tilt-table
GTV Laser powder nozzles of all types (for internal and external coating)
Laser cladding system with maximum beam powers of 6 kW for tests on new and repair coating of various components
RSW coating torch
GTV RSW torch
RSW equipment for tests on the coating of cylinder crankcases in the automotive industry as well as other rotationally symmetrical components using wires as coating material
Spraying / laser bench with attachment rotary table and robot on elevated jet axis (ceiling mounting)
GTV Plasma torches of all types and HVOF K2 torch
Multi-process equipment for coating of large components weighing up to 6 t, 3 m long and 1.5 m in diameter; all processes offered by GTV (except RSW) can be executed; software for automatic track planning for coating complex component surfaces
Robot and spraying bench as well as turn-tilt-table; suspension feeder
HVOF and powder / wire flame spray torches of all types incl. plasma torch six-xt with 6-anode-technology
Combination equipment for coating of various customer-specific components using powder, wire and high speed flame spraying (with gaseous or liquid fuel)
Robot and spraying bench as well as turn-tilt-table; suspension feeder
Arc spray and plasma torches of all types
Combination equipment for coating of various customer-specific components using arc and plasma spraying (also 3- and 5-anode technology)
Equipment for the preparation of component surfaces using grit blasting
Follow us on a virtual tour of our R&D center and discover the rest of our premises:
Our highly motivated engineers and scientists are able to find a solution for every demand - challenge us!
Dr.-Ing. Andreas Wank
Head of Research & Development